Download and install our Curve Addons: FD Parametric Curves which includes Basin Curves, Borromean Curves, Capareda Curves, Clelia Curves, Enneper Curves, Lissajous Curves, Pappus Curves, Tennis Seam Curves, Viviani Curves, Wiredish Curves Learn more about these curves with our YouTube Video: using curve addons.Download and install the Inkscape bitmap to vector convertor application (NOT required for Free Online Course but is required for other courses).Download and install the Booltron Addon.Download and install Netfabb Basic (Windows/Apple) or Netfabb Basic (Linux) the free mesh repair tool that you must use to fix every object you create.Now link JewelCraft to the FluidDesigner assets by going to Edit/Preferences/Add-ons open up the Object: JewelCraft and set the Asset Manager Libraries to the FluidDesigner folder you unzipped – see.Download and unzip the FluidDesigner assets in your Directories folder.Download and install the JewelCraft Addon for Blender 3.To create jewellery using Parametric Smart Objects with our FluidDesigner assets you will need to Inkscape is not required for Free Course). If you are studying one of our courses you will need to do 1-9 below (7. Personalised Jewellery Design Using Blender 3.0 or 2.9 (Free 1hr 53mins) DOWNLOAD FREE SOFTWAREīLENDER 3.0 (our assets and addons will work with Blender 4.0)įluidDesigner for 3D Printing Assets work with Blender 3.0 If you would like to try out a FREE COURSE click: If you would like to buy a present this year for yourself or someone you know is interested in Jewellery Design then we offer three personal 1:1 choices, click here for further information.